Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Hello Bloggers!

Since I seem to be absent minded and forget things I have forgotten the login to my previous blogger account SO I am going to re-introduce myself.

I'm Cesilie.

I've been on the internet since jr. high (so around the 90s) and am pretty much addicted to it. So much so that I once took graphic design classes, learned how to code things, and began to make graphics and things for bands. Look for my blog getting a re-do very shortly! Anyways, I'm 22 and I live in the wonderful place that is California. I don't think I'd ever leave this state (unless of course I was moving to Africa or some uncharted island paradise) as we have the best of everything.

You'll probably see me blogging a lot about animals, my pets, and my wedding that I am planning. That's right! I'm engaged! As of Nov 23rd I'll have been engaged for a year to my best friend of 17 years, Brent. I don't think that was mentioned on my old blog. 

We're in the midst of trying to figure out the rest of our lives together and planning a wedding under $5,000 dollars. Maybe that will be my main goal in this new blog.... "How to have an awesome wedding for less than $5,000.".
Seems simple enough right?

Well, I won't get ahead of myself, I'll save that for a later post.... back to me!
I am currently double majoring in Marine Biology and Business Management. I have 2 amazing jobs in both fields and couldn't ask for anything better (okay, maybe better pay but who doesn't want that?!). I have lots of pets (too many to list here all at once) that you'll get to know very soon, as I tend to post and write about them a lot.

I also like baking (notice that doesn't say cooking, because well, I don't cook) cupcakes and cookies and all things sweet. I am a huge comic book nerd and I love video games as well. I play tons of instruments (I play by ear) and have some awesomely (if that isn't a word it is now) talented musical friends.

Some of my favorite things to do is read and watch old black and white TV shows with Brent. The Twilight Zone is my current obsession (as well as Criminal Minds, oh man!). You'll come to see I'm really into vintage things and should have been born in a different era.

Anyways, I think that's good for now.  I could probably blab away about myself for over 20,000 characters but I don't think that's really needed.

Later days~
Cesilie :)

Monday, November 7, 2011

Well, I somehow lost my access info to my original blogger account, which is a bummer since I had some stuff I really liked on it. Anyways I'm now trying to find everyone I followed again and hopefully get back in the swing of things!

Work has kept me ever busy but I'm getting more and more excited for the wedding! I have lots of new things to share with everyone and can't wait to get posting them for all of you to see. Until then I'll be here trying to figure out how to get back into my other blog.... You can however find me and everything on twitter (username Deathcabforces) or tumblr (thoughtsofanunderagethinker) where I lurk almost 99.9% of my day!

looking forward to being back!
~ Cesilie :)